Sarah Boehle of has an article out on the current state of the e-learning market. The article sites many trends and gives a pretty accurate assessment of e-learning / learning management systems industry. The e-learning market is maturing, putting pressure on companies to provide better products and learning services to meet their needs.
McStravick, a senior research analyst with the learning services group
of Framingham, Mass.-based research firm IDC, is witnessing the same
trend. "There's a transformational discussion going on right now
between customers and vendors. Vendors are having to step up the
services they offer around products because it's no longer a matter of
giving people products and helping them implement them. Today,
customers also want to know how you can help them improve their return
on investment on products, or help align learning objectives with their
company's business objectives."
The State of the E-Learning Market
Dave Boggs