Tony Karrer on his e-Learning Technology Blog has had two recent posts about something which is a very familiar theme here on the Boggs e-Learning Chronicle..........that there is a real dichotomy between what is talked about by many e-learning pundits and what is really discussed and important in the corporate training / e-Learning space.
For example, blogs, wikis, and collaboration for e-learning has been the hot topic for many of the e-learning blogs and online e-zines over the last year and 1/2. Karrer reports that using these technologies are not the "radar screens yet" for Corporate Training. His second post on the topic says that what most blogs talk about and what Corporate Training is talking about are different.
I would take this one step I have said before in several posts.......there are real world considerations to using these new technologies in a corporate training context. There are many factors which will inhibit the spread, i.e. use of these new technologies within the corporate training frame work like security, justifying the purchase of new technology, and the measures of performance support which corporations are bound by to prove that the training actually works such as certifications, ROI, etc.
Yes, these new technologies are fun and its great to speculate about how they can be used, but we need to keep this in perspective. Which is why while I report on blogs, wikis, mashup technologies, but only as a way to keep folks informed and not as the focus of where e-Learning is going or the hot new trend in Corporate Training.
See the links below on Tony Karrer's posts:
Hot Topics in Training - A Crude (but mildly interesting) Analysis
Blog Topics vs. Hot Topics in Training - The Disconnect
Dave Boggs