Dave Boggs, CEO of SyberWorks, states, “Today’s podcast is an interview with Guy Wallace, Certified Performance Technologist and the President of EPPIC, Inc. Guy has written an e-Book, ‘Management Areas of Performance,’ which presents a comprehensive scheme for managing performance in an organizational context.”
"Based on interviews with CEOs, this book defines the roles workplace
learning and performance (WLP) professionals are expected to play as
managers, analysts, intervention designers and implementors, change
leaders, and evaluators, and summarizes the competencies that CEOs want
to see demonstrated by trainers within their organization. Annotation
(c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
The next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series is up! This week's word is "Core Capabilities".
On the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, there are three ways to
comment on each episode. You may post a message to the blog; leave a web-based
voice mail by clicking the button in the upper right-hand corner; or
call in and leave a message about each show. You may find each weekly episode and
its accompanying transcript on the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series page located in the Media
Center of the SyberWorks web site.
I was plowing through my rss feeds and I found this article. It has good basic concepts in it and is useful for those new to e-learning course development.
"When the elearning design contains an abundance of 'boring' information
and elements, the program fails to hold their attention. Therefore, it
can't relay the important concepts effectively. By adding in new
visual, audio, and supportive written content, you can reduce the dry
element in the program and maximize the learning potential.
"Commenting on the research, Dr Dirk Thissen, managing director at IMC
(UK) Learning Ltd, says: “The research clearly shows that HR
professionals place a high value on training staff whatever the
economic situation, which is extremely encouraging. During times of
economic uncertainty more than ever it is essential to have a
competent, skilled workforce. What is worrying, however, is that
training budgets are high on the list of cuts when streamlining a
business operation. It is clear that HR practitioners will be asked to
do more with less as recession sweeps the UK.”
The next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series is up! This week's word is "Bloom's Taxonomy".
On the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, there are three ways to
comment on each episode. You may post a message to the blog; leave a web-based
voice mail by clicking the button in the upper right-hand corner; or
call in and leave a message about each show. You may find each weekly episode and
its accompanying transcript on the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series page located in the Media
Center of the SyberWorks web site.